Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) is a national gathering of Presbyterian youth every three years.
THEME: When Did We See You? (Matthew 25:31-46) is designed to help young people engage in the world, so their faith may continue to thrive as they wake up to new possibilities.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Triennium is open to rising 9th graders to students who have just completed 12th grade, adult chaperones, and support team members.
- Application Deadline: June 13, 2025
- Triennium Dates: Monday, July 28-31, 2025 (we will gather on July 27th for an early a.m. departure)
- Delegation Meetings (2022): March 12th, May 14th, June 25th
$1,725 – This cost includes: registration fee, airfare, room & board, ground transportation, group T-shirt, etc. (possibility of scholarships). This cost is less if sharing a room.
EVENT FLYER: click here.