West Bay Congregations:
First Burlingame, Broadmoor, Golden Gate, St. Andrew-Pacifica, Valley-Portola Valley, Bethany, Trinity, Calvary San Francisco, Chinatown, Christ United, Covenant, First United, GKI, Good News Korean, Grace Korean, Iglesia Mision, Ingleside, Korean San Francisco, Lakeside, Lincoln Park, Mission Bay, New Liberation, Noe Valley, Ocean Avenue, Old First, Seventh Avenue, St. James, St. John’s San Francisco, St. Paul’s, Brazillian Fellowship, First San Mateo, Latinos Unidos and Sturge.
West Region Antiracism Group
- Meeting Recording, May 19, 2022
- Summaries of January, March and May meetings
- Announcement of “Grace and Restoration” project
West Region Envisioning Team Wants You!
At the February 2021 meeting, the Presbytery approved the in the creation of three new regional Working Groups: Envisioning Groups for Developing Strategic Missional Priorities for Real Church Assets.
The Presbytery of San Francisco found itself in the somewhat unique position of having to determine the best and highest use for the buildings of several churches that are in the process of closing, or which have closed, or who are willing to turn their property over to the Presbytery—and the reality that we will also see several additional congregations closing in the next decade. The closing of church buildings represents unique challenges and opportunities that call for strategic thinking about how to use these assets for the up-building of God’s Kingdom in the Bay area.
The West Region Envisioning Team is now working to help in this endeavor – and want our West-Enders to join the team. For more information please click here. Please connect with the team at: WRET@sfpby.org
Fund your Vision Update
The West Region’s “Fund your Vision” has now shared the $1,000,000 to fund many important ministries and projects that support our communities. Thank you to all who participated in the West Region work around “Fund Your Vision”.
The following are the NOTES from previous regional meetings.
- Minutes from West Region Meeting on from April 17, 2021
- Minutes from West Region meeting on December 12, 2020
- Minutes from West Region meeting on Sept 12, 2020
- Minutes from March 28, 2020 meeting
- Western Region nominations_rev 07072019
- Minutes from August 10th meeting
Please email office@sfpby.org if you would like to be included on the West Region Contact list.