Resources and Prayer for Peace in Israel and Palestine »

Wednesday December 9th

Psalm 27:6
“Now my head is lifted up above my enemies all around me, and will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the Lord”

Where to Look

I’ve been looking down more often these days—it seems safer than having to see the world that wants to break open my heart. But in doing this, is it that I’m avoiding the suffering that others endure daily? Or is it to avoid the suffering that is to be done to me? I’ve come to understand that it’s the latter and that I’m required, compelled to be broken open. Mind you, I’m not promoting suffering in the ascetic sense nor the way of flagellants during Plague (or COVID in present day)! But to be human, one must see the world around them. And to be a part of humanity — we must see, feel and carry these sacrificial gifts — body and soul — to the altar for each other.

It is here where I start. I will look up and always remember that God loves me. I accept that the wounds will be painful, but if I live in God while carefully exploring the dark parts of my being and the world — I know union with Him is at hand. I’ll trust that in this journey I will find healing and create a space for light to enter. This space will be the cradle of my heart — where I wait for Christ to be born.

The Servant of Unity

Most men in power have not the strength or wisdom to be satisfied with the way things are.

The sane know contentment, for beauty is their lover,
and beauty is never absent from this world.

The further away light is from one’s touch
the more one naturally speaks of the need for change,

Yes, overthrow any government inside that makes you weep.

The child blames the external and focuses his energy there;
the warrior conquers the realms within and becomes gifted.

Only the inspired should make decisions that affect the lives of many,

Never a man that has not held God in his arms
and become a servant of unity.

~St. Theresa of Avila

Jennifer Sacramento Streett. Born upon the land of the Ohlone; taking my first steps centuries earlier with one foot as a colonizer, the other foot centuries later as the oppressed. My mountain is Mt. Diablo. My ocean is the Pacific. My lake is Lake Merritt. My tree is the Oak. My mother is Leticia. My father is Ceferino. My bother is Ronald. My partner is Bill. (This is my Whakapapa-Maori form of sharing lineage.) God’s Beloved, Spiritual Activist, and Executive Partner of Operations and Communications of the Presbytery of SF.