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Webinar: Spotlight on Mental Health and Wellness for Refugees in America

Presbytery of San Francisco’s Partnerships Working Group is actively involved in supporting various organizations.

One of these organizations is International Rescue Committee.  Learn more about the IRC here: Website


You are invited to join the Webinar on March 22nd
Spotlight on Mental Health and Wellness for Refugees in America

Webinar Details


Thursday, Mar 22, 2018
1:30 PST / 4:30 PM EST


Register to join
Password: theIRC
Access code: 598 117 526


Audio Only:

+1 844 740 1264
Access code: 598 117 526


As one of the IRC’s most valued supporters, we invite you to an exclusive webinar and phone briefing on mental health of refugees in the United States.

Mental wellbeing is an important aspect of refugees’ ability to successfully learn English, obtain a job, and become self-reliant in a short time period. This briefing will offer insight into the experiences of refugees resettling to the United States and the impact on their mental and emotional health. Guests will hear from IRC staff who are creating unique wellness programs to help refugees flourish in their new country.


Annie Bonz, Technical Advisor, Mental Health·

Patrick Poulin, Executive Director, Salt Lake City·

Jordan Enger, Psychosocial Support Specialist, Denver

If you are using Webex for the first time, you will need to download the platform using the link above. Or, you may dial in using the telephone number provided above to listen in to the audio portion only. For questions, please contact