San Francisco Presbytery
Resources and Prayer for Peace in Israel and Palestine »
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Theological Diversity

Theological Diversity

Reverend Kamal Hassan

Reverend Kamal Hassan, MDiv, San Francisco Theological Seminary Kamal has 32 years of ministry experience in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA). He is the pastor of Sojourner Truth PC. Kamal is a community organizer and Christian educator whose message and ministry are rooted in the Black Prophetic Tradition.

When:    Thursday and Friday, June 09 and 10 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm
                 Saturday, June 11 – 9:00 to 11:30 am; 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Where:  Zoom Class – Register on the links below:

Cost:$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates

$40 to audit and open to all

Class Description: This is a survey course on the basics of post-colonial and liberation theologies and the guiding principles that inform how these theologies show up in the mission and ministry of marginalized communities’ responses to contemporary concerns in Church and society.

Pre-Class Readings:
Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible through Palestinian Eyes, Mitri Raheb, Orbis Books, 2014.
The Accra Confession of Faith:

Questions, please contact CRE/CLP Coordinator Phil Arzino , 510-828-5596

For a full course description, please download the following PDF.