San Francisco Presbytery
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The Growth of Christianity in Egypt

The Presbyterian Foundation and First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley cordially invite you to the presentation, “The Growth of Christianity in Egypt”. Come hear about the remarkable growth of the Christian faith in Egypt (and throughout the Arab World). Speakers will be Dr. Hani Hanna, who serves as vice president, academic dean and professor of theology, and Dr. Darren Kennedy, a PC(USA) mission co-worker who has taught at the seminary for 20 years.

Since the Arab Spring of 2011, Egypt has changed in many ways. One of the biggest shifts has been the growth of Christianity. The Presbyterian Church has had a seminary there for more than 150 years – and the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo is flourishing and growing rapidly. Twenty years ago, the seminary only had around 60 students – and now it has over 400! The seminary’s expansion mirrors that of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Egypt, which has increased its number of churches by over 34 percent in the past 10 years.

Doors opens at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with the program starting shortly after. The program will last no more than one hour, and questions are encouraged.

For more information and to register please visit the Presbyterian Foundation website.