San Francisco Presbytery
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Workshop with Dr. Soong-Chan Rah at Trinity in San Carlos

Trinity Presbyterian Church in San Carlos cordially invites you to lecture featuring Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Pastor.

March 17, Saturday, 2-5pm
The presentation will be in the sanctuary on the second floor of the building.

Dr. Rah, Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park University, will be leading a workshop. The event is free and we ask that you RSVP through Eventbrite so that Trinity Presbyterian Church can adequately prepare for how many people may attend. There will be snacks and beverages available during and after the lecture.This is an open lecture and all people from the community are invited to participate.

  • Hour 1: How do we understand the world in which we live. What leads to troubled times?
  • Hour 2: A biblical understanding of justice: what theological lenses shape how we address these issues?
  • Hour 3: What can we do about it? How can we change narratives and imagination to participate in the Christian call to justice?

To Register and Further Information:
Register on Eventbrite
Event information on Facebook