Eradicating Poverty and Hunger needs
Watch Video to Learn more about how our PSF churches are connecting with their communities around Matthew 25 – Eradicating Poverty and Hunger needs. We hope this encourages your church to start a Food Ministry of your own, and if so – connect with us, we may be able to help!
Announcing a new cycle of Discipleship Food Grants from the Presbytery of San Francisco through the Partnership Working Group!!
This cycle will be for $1,200 grants; and the application period will run from Oct 10th -Dec 10th. Awards will be issued through the following schedule:
- Requests received between Oct 10th -Oct 19th; grant consideration by Oct 26th
- Requests received between Oct 19th -Nov 12th; grant consideration by Nov 19th
- Requests received between Nov 12th– Dec 10th ; grant consideration by Dec 16th
Application and re-application information and guidelines are below.
These larger Food Ministry grants of $1,200. or what we’re calling the Discipleship Food Grants, are for use with congregation related food pantries and food banks, just like our previous grants.
These funds are available to all congregations of the Presbytery of San Francisco, regardless of previous applications. However, priority will be given to those congregations that have never applied or have submitted fewer applications previously, until current funding runs out. We encourage you to consider including cultural comfort foods and/or possibly socks and important sundries that would be helpful for the winter season. We hope that the October to December granting cycle helps for the holidays. However, funding and circumstances will determine our ability to go deeper into this year.
Food insecurity throughout the Bay Area, our State and our country continues to grow as a result of the pandemic and as a result of structural poverty. This campaign is the Presbytery of San Francisco’s attempt to partner with our congregations in order to meet an immediate need.
To request a $1,200 grant for a food pantry or program, simply send a request by email as explained below.
- Church name and address
- Name, email, and phone number of contact person at church coordinating this grant request
- Description of program; please include who is served, how many is served and how often (8-10 sentences)
- If grant is to be forwarded by requesting church to a partner organization, provide name of organization, contact information, and brief description of historical relationship with that organization if any (5-6 sentences)
- What to put on memo line of the $1,200 check so church Treasurer knows purpose of gift.
We would like to receive these requests through email to and will honor them until our funds run out.
A Shout Out for Churches that received $500 Emergency Food Grants:
- Presbyterian Church Chinatown, SF food pantry
- St. John’s SF food pantry
- Trinity PC San Carlos partnership food program
- LOPC for Primera Iglesia Pesbiteriana Hispana Oakland – partnership
- Montclair PC community partnership food program
- Ygnacio Valley PC food pantry
- Old First PC food pantry
- First PC Livermore community food pantry
- Irvington PC food program
- Elmhurst PC food program
- Lafayette Orinda warm winter nights
- SojournerTruth food pantry
- First Presbyterian Oakland Food Ministry Program:
- First Presbyterian Newark Viola Blyth Community Center
- First United PC of San Francisco Food Pantry Ministry
- First PC, Berkeley Street Meal
- First PC, Hayward South Hayward Parish Food Pantry
- Delta Community PC, Discovery Bay Delta Christian Community Food Pantry
- College Avenue PC, Oakland Friday Night Meal
- Covenant Presbyterian Church, San Francisco Food Pantry
- Andrews Presbyterian Church, Pleasant Hill Hillcrest Food Pantry
- First Presbyterian Church of Alameda, Alameda Food Bank
- Alameda Korea Presbyterian Church, Street Gospel Mission
Women Thrive Dollar for Dollar Marches for IRC’s Thrive Program
Once again our good friends from Old First Presbyterian Church in San Francisco is making the offer of challenge for IRC. IRC is no longer accepting contributions designated for just the Vision Project. Vision is now part of Women Thrive. Women Thrive is a broader program for girls and women than just Vision. Now the project will work with girls and women 16-24 with more emphasis on career development following the workshop. Check the Presbytery website for more information on Women Thrive. (Under Partnership Working Group)
In 2019, PSF churches that contributed in addition to Old First included First PC in Livermore, Trinity PC in San Carlos, First PC in San Leandro, St. John’s in SF, LOPC PC in Lafayette/Orinda and Park Boulevard in Oakland. Some churches contributed more than $500.
Donations should be sent to:
International Rescue Committee
440 Grand Avenue Suite 500
Oakland, Ca 94610
Memo line: Woman Thrive
When churches receive thank you letters from IRC please send them to Old First at 1751 Sacramento St. San Francisco, Ca. 94109 and they will match donations up to $500 a match.
Women Thrive IRC in Northern California
At least 50% of refugees are women and girls. Mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives face specific pressures and challenges when they resettle here in Northern California. For more than four decades, California has welcomed refugees with the help of IRC’s effective and thoughtful programs. IRC supports refugee women and girls, and we ensure we design programs that are accessible to all.
IRC in Northern California stands with the brave, resilient women who are rebuilding their lives here in the Bay Area. By supporting IRC in Northern California’s Women Thrive program you can show your support for the brave women from around the world we work with every day.
The Impact
Through reuniting families, career development, access to housing, education, and other opportunities, IRC in Northern California helps ensure more than 1000 women and children thrive in our community each year. Together we can help ensure refugee #womenthrive.
Launched on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2019, IRC in Northern California’s Women Thrive program celebrates the achievements and strength of the women and girls we serve. Led by our teams in Sacramento, Oakland, San Jose, and Turlock, Women Thrive programs include early employment and career development, the Vision Project and Youth Empowerment, HOME Connect and assistance with housing and home set up, Mommy & Me English language classes, driving license classes, and more.
Get Involved
We have many ways for you to get involved. You can donate much needed in-kind items, make a financial gift to the Women Thrive programs, and become a part of the team and volunteer for a Women Thrive program near where you live.
To learn more about the programs and volunteer opportunities in your area, please contact:
Stephanie Heckman
Development Director
IRC in Northern California
440 Grand Ave, 5th Floor
Oakland, CA 94610
T: 510.390.1230