San Francisco Presbytery
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Nominating Committee & Committee on Representation

The Nominating Committee (NOM) and Committee on Representation (COR) nominates presbytery officers, members of Mission and Vision Leadership and its working groups, Standing Committees, members of certain Synod bodies, and G.A. commissioners.  The committee is intentional around making sure there is diversity, inclusiveness of perspectives, and parity in the selection process. To view all volunteer opportunities and their descriptions please click here.

Membership on most standing committees requires ordination (as either a ruling or a teaching elder); members of Working Groups can be members of congregations as well as officers.

All the work of the presbytery, in supporting minister members and congregational ministry, is done through committees and working groups. We together are the presbytery; and San Francisco Presbytery has a place to use your gifts!

Service on presbytery committees will help you

  • Learn about neighboring churches and their challenges and best practices.
  • Meet fellow Presbyterians you’ll be glad to know.
  • Get to know, work with, and value people with whom you may not always agree.
  • Serve Christ’s church beyond your own congregation.

To suggest someone for service – or to nominate yourself, please fill out the Nomination Form for Committees, Working Groups, and Teams and/or email the committee you would like to join or NOM.

COR Committee Chair: Rev. Cindy Towel-Kephart
NOM Committee Chair: Rick Leong
Committee email:
Meeting times:  Third Wednesday of the Month at 8:35 a.m.

Being a General Assembly Commissioner or Advisory Delegate 

Every two years presbytery elects two teaching elders, two ruling elders, and one Young Adult Advisory Delegate (an active congregant member, aged 17-23) to represent the Presbytery of San Francisco at General Assembly, our nation gathering of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

GA is a very exciting, intense, and busy 8 to 10 day period of plenary meetings, committee meetings, worship, caucuses and social events. The Commissioners and Advisory Delegate are given a committee assignment (determined by lot) about 2 months before the Assembly, with readings sent out prior to GA to so that members can active participants when they arrive. While a heavy workload, serving as a commissioner at GA is a joyful opportunity to see the wider church and learn of the many ways we serve as God’s servants in the world. Transportation to the General Assembly, and room and board are reimbursed for Commissioners and YAADS in accordance with General Assembly policy. 

Our Priorities

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

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Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

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Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

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New Worshipping Communities

New Worshipping Communities

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