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MVL Retreat 2023

Newsletter: October 2023

(Photo Credit MVL Retreat, Summer 2023)

Presbytery Greetings: October 2023 Newsletter

Greetings From InHo

Living by the Gospel, a booklet on pastoral compensations which was updated in 2022 states:

“At the most basic level, each minister of the Word and Sacrament relies on the collective strength of the congregation to provide fair compensation. At the installation of a minister, the congregation is asked, “Do we promise to pay [her/him] fairly and provide for [her/his] welfare as [she/he] works among us …?” This is an explicit call to ensure that the minister has access to benefits as well as cash compensation. We break our promise as the Church when we view benefits as expendable and negotiate with our ministers for the least possible compensation package. That may be the way of the marketplace, but it should not be the way of the Church of Jesus Christ.”

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