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Newsletter: March 2023

Lenten Greetings:

March 2023 Newsletter


Does anybody have a map?

Several weeks ago, I won tickets to Dear Evan Hansen through the Lucky Seat Lottery. (No I don’t get a kickback, but I thought I would see if anyone else might want to try.)

In the opening number, two moms are trying to get their teenagers to school. A task that might seem small, but sets off a series of events, letting the audience know just how hard parenting can be. As they express their frustrations and emotions, they sing out:

ImageDoes anybody have a map? 
body maybe happen to know how the he– to do this?
I don’t know if you can tell.
But this is me just pretending to know. 

So where’s the map?
I need a clue
‘Cause the scary truth is
I’m flying blind.
And I’m making this up as I go. 

I am wondering if anyone can relate? I am wondering if anyone can relate? Maybe in life, in work, in relationships, sometimes it just feels like “we are flying blind and making it up as we go.”  Read More

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