Resources and Prayer for Peace in Israel and Palestine »
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Monday December 14th

Psalm 125:1 – 2

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.

As we anticipate and celebrate the coming of the Lord, born to save God’s people from our sinful selves, we focus on the events that have transpired this past year. Events that could have shaken our faith. I can imagine as George Floyd lay dying with a police officer’s knee on his neck draining his life, he might have thought, “Where is God?” I imagine Breonna Taylor, who was shot as she slept, did not have time for such a thought. Since we don’t know the mind of God, but we have faith through Jesus Christ, we believe that everything will be alright. We have had time to contemplate these events in light of God’s gift of Jesus Christ because Jesus brings us hope for a more peaceful time. Hope for a time of renewed love for all humankind. Hope for a time when those who would do us harm, will choose to live in harmony with us. We, like the psalmist in today’s scripture, cannot be shaken. We have endured, knowing that we are protected. We are surrounded by the love of Christ. Therefore, we look to Christ’s coming with jubilant expectation of that joyous time of harmony among all God’s people. Let us join together in spreading Jesus’ light in the world. It is a light of hope, peace, and joy that all who see it might be illuminated in their hearts and minds to seek His grace in this time of unrest in our communities and world. My hope and wish for you is peace and joy during this Advent season.

Father God, You who created this world as a good place; You who gave your son Jesus as an atonement for our sins; You who loves us all as your children; we thank You for this Advent season with all the undeserved blessings You have bestowed upon us and ask your grace and mercy upon us all. Help all of us to be the kind of people You would have us be — loving, gracious, just and kind to each other. We know how to show grace and mercy toward each other and when we forget, we ask your forgiveness. As we look forward to the coming of your son Jesus, help us to be bold when we are faced with uncomfortable situations of racial injustice, to speak up and stand up for what is right in your sight. Help us to be more Christ-like in all our actions so His light in our hearts will shine in a world of darkness. This we humbly pray in the name of our lord and savior Jesus who art the Christ. Amen

Mary Jane Gordon is a commissioned ruling elder from Ingleside Presbyterian church currently serving as Co-Moderator of the Presbytery of San Francisco. She serves on the Mission Vision and Leadership Committee and Meetings Committee, is a liaison to the Personnel Committee and serves on the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board.