What is the Work of the People? An Exploration of Liturgy
Michael Kim-Eubanks
Michael Kim-Eubanks, CRE/CLP, is a pastor and musician who lives in San
Leandro, CA with his wife, Erina, and 2 children. As an artist, Michael likes to tell honest and interesting stories that give others the permission to do the same. As a pastor and liturgist, Michael’s work is focused on leading faith communities into telling and retelling the story of God in the scriptures, and the story of God in our bodies, faith communities, and local neighborhoods. Currently, Michael serves alongside his wife as a co-minister of Bethel Community Presbyterian Church in San Leandro, CA.
When: Thursday and Friday, March 10 and 11 – 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Saturday, March 12 – 9:00 to 11:30 am; 1:00 to 3:30 pm
Where: Zoom Class – Register on the links below:
- Thursday ZOOM Register
- Friday ZOOM Register
- Saturday ZOOM register
Cost:$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates
$40 to audit and open to all
Class Description: The word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word that means “work for the people” or “public service”; in the Christian faith tradition, it is commonly used to describe the “work” of gathering as God’s people. However, the nature of such work has changed drastically over the last 2 years, and slowly over the last 20 years. Social, economic, and technological shifts have greatly influenced where, how, and for what purpose the Church has chosen to gather. As we consider these changes, our local and faith communities, and the tradition of faith that we have inherited, what might the work of the people look like? What work might we need to cease? What new work is on the horizon?
Pre-Class Readings:
Read the Directory for Worship (from the most current PC(USA) Book of Order). Name 3 things that capture your attention, and talk about why.
CHOOSE 1 to listen to. As you listen, write a reflection on what it might mean for you as someone who creates and participates in liturgical gatherings.
Questions, please contact CRE/CLP Coordinator , 510-828-5596
For a full course description, please download the following PDF.