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Gracious Leadership in a Multicultural World

Gracious Leadership in a Multicultural World

Pastor Eric Law

The Reverend Dr. Eric H. F. Law, an Episcopalian priest and author, has consulted with churches for over 30 years to provide training for building inclusive community, intercultural competency, community transformation, congregational vitality and stewardship. He is also the founder of Kaleidoscope Institute for Diverse and Sustainable Communities.

When:    Thursday and Friday, September 9 and 10 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm
                 Saturday, September 11 – 9:00 to 11:30 am; 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Where:  Zoom Class – Register on the links below:

Cost:$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates

$40 to audit and open to all

Class Description: This course will increase the students’ intercultural competency for leadership in a multicultural world. Topics to explore includes:

  • What is culture and why are there cultural differences?
  • Cultural differences and their impacts on our congregational leadership
  • Power dynamics in multicultural environments
  • Theological reflection on leadership in a multicultural diverse context
  • Skill, models and processes for building inclusive community
  • Developing a spirituality for leadership in a diverse, changing world

Pre-Class Readings:
Eric H. F. Law, The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb, Chalice Press, 1992
(Spanish version available through the Kaleidoscope Institute. Email: )

Questions, please contact CRE/CLP Coordinator , 510-828-5596

For a full course description, please download the following PDF.