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First Hayward Showcased for Work with NWCs!!!

California PC(USA) congregation helps launch four new worshiping communities.

Each 1001 community reaches diverse range of people within 12-mile radius of church

by Paul Seebeck | Presbyterian News Service

HAYWARD, Calif. — Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister Jake Medcalf refuses to believe the denomination should just go quietly into the night. “If we’re going to survive,” he says, “we have to trust God has more for us than Sunday morning worship and go make an impact in the neighborhood where we are.”

The church Medcalf serves, First Presbyterian Church of Hayward, California, has started four 1001 new worshiping communities. Each community is reaching a diverse range of people within a 12-mile radius of the 350-member church. The leaders of these new worshiping communities are all members of First’s staff. 

California church starts four new worshiping communities from Presbyterian Mission Agency on Vimeo.

To read the full article, please visit the Presbyterian Mission Agency website link here.