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Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing & Training-Sept 9th @ Presbytery meeting!

We live In a time in which events in places like Ferguson, Charleston, Charlottesville and Berkeley are calling us again to recognize and attend to the power that racism still holds over our communities. Many Presbyterians are asking: What can be done? What should be done?

The Mission and Vision Leadership team of our Presbytery together with the Presbytery Meetings Working Group would like to invite you and your worshiping community to take that first step toward dismantling racism. On Saturday, September 9, at our regular presbytery meeting, at First Presbytery Church of Newark, we will spend several hours together under the guidance of Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing and TrainingOrganizer Jessica Vasquez-Torres will lead us in a series of exercises to help us begin to examine our own hearts as we consider how to integrate anti-racism work in our congregations and in our communities.

You are welcome to bring a larger contingent from your congregation. The workshop will begin shortly at 1:00 PM. We will close with worship at 3PM. Lunch will be available for $10.

For more information please visit:

Facing Racism – from the PCUSA

CrossRoads AntiRacism Organizing and Training  – our training partners