San Francisco Presbytery
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Committee on Preparation for Ministry

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) is charged with overseeing the process through which people prepare to become ordained as Ministers of Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA).

Many people play key roles in a person’s life when they are discerning a call to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament. The CPM, especially through its liaison, plays a significant role in the discernment process. The journey may lead to ordination or may lead to another vocation.

The discernment process is grounded in the Reformed understanding of the sovereignty of God and the surprising decision of God to entrust discernment to the community of faith. At all times our commitment is to prayer, seeking God’s wisdom, and listening beyond ourselves to what God is doing in the lives of our students and in those called to be the Church.

Of the many values we hold as a CPM, here are a few critical ones:

We are Relational

  • We want to know the whole person, not just their paperwork.
  • We work with each person to develop his or her gifts for ministry and address their individual challenges.
  • We commit to regular prayer for and with each person we are assigned to.
  • We have the responsibility of overseeing and guiding a student’s spiritual and professional development.

We are a Resource

    • We know the values, guidelines, and rules so that we can help inquirers and candidates stay on the right track.
    • We point those under care in the right direction rather than do for them what they can do for themselves.
    • We are not gatekeepers but do maintain the values, guidelines, and standards of the PC(USA) and the Presbytery of San Francisco.
CPM Committee Co-Chairs: Rev. Dr. Doug Schoonover and Rev. Gerardo Garcia
Co-Chair email:
Meeting times: Third Wednesday of the month from 9:30AM to 3:30PM

Our Priorities

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

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Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

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Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

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New Worshipping Communities

New Worshipping Communities

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