San Francisco Presbytery
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Committee on Ministry

Committee of Ministry (COM)

The Committee on Ministry is responsible for the health of ministry in the presbytery, attending to the well-being of congregations and their faithfulness in responding to God’s call to them as well as the nurture, support and professional development of church professionals, including ministers of the Word and Sacrament, Commissioned Lay Pastors, and, in some presbyteries, Certified Christian Educators.

To better meet the needs of the Presbytery of San Francisco, our Committee on Ministry, on April 19th, 2024, voted to combine the two previous sub-committees: one overseeing the East Bay and one overseeing the West Bay (San Francisco and the Peninsula) and merge into one. Being structured in such a way helps us to respond more quickly to the needs of ministers and congregations in our Presbytery.

Committee on Ministry is available:

  • to visit regularly and consult with each minister in the presbytery
  • to make recommendations to presbytery regarding calls for the services of its ministers
  • to visit with each session of the presbytery at least once every three years
  • to counsel with churches and their Pastor Nominating Committees regarding calls for permanent pastoral relations
  • to counsel with churches regarding other pastoral relationships that might be necessary or appropriate (such as interim, stated supply, Commissioned Lay Pastor, or designated pastor)
  • to evaluate calls issued by churches, approve and present calls, approve examination of ministers transferring from other presbyteries, dissolve pastoral relationships in certain situations, grant permission to labor within or outside the bounds of presbytery, and dismiss ministers to other presbyteries
  • to counsel with sessions regarding difficulties in congregations
COM Co-Chairs: Rev. Donald P. Hammond and Betty Delaney
COM Co- Chairs:
Committee email:
Meeting times COM: Second Thursday of the Month at 3:00 p.m.

Education Working Group

Helps support the education of Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs) and Commissioned Pastors (CPs) and others in our Presbytery and beyond.
Working Group Chair: Rev. Karl Shadley
Working Group Email:
CRE-CP Coordinator: Mary Biasotti
CRE-CP Coordinator Email:
Meeting Times:  Third Monday from 1:00-2:30 pm

New Worshiping Communities Working Group

Supports New Worshiping Communities, Worshiping Communities, New Church Plants, and other forms of innovative ministry.
Working Group Chair: Vacant
Working Group Email:
Meeting Times: As needed

Our Priorities

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

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Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

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Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

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New Worshipping Communities

New Worshipping Communities

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