San Francisco Presbytery
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Call for Booths Deadline for August Presbytery Meeting

Our August meeting will be held at First Pres. Hayward and there is a beautiful courtyard outdoors there. In light of our theme, “New Ways of Being Church,” we thought we’d invite the members and congregations of the Presbytery to highlight the new things we are doing in our congregations, and to set tables or booths up in that lovely courtyard to share these things with one another. Are you involved with a New Worshiping Community? Please, please sign up for a table or booth! Are you working on a new mission project, or an exciting new program at your church? We want to hear about it.

Final schedule for the meeting is tentative until docket is finalized, but we anticipate having tabling time before and after Regional Meetings and into dinner time; tentatively, 4:45-5 and 5:45-7.

**Call for booths by August 19th**
Let us know what you’d like to present, and reserve a table by emailing —