San Francisco Presbytery
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Everyone’s Voice Counts


As a Matthew 25 Presbytery, we are called to actively work to “Dismantle Structural Racism”. On February 11, 2025 the Presbytery of San Francisco approved T-CARE’s  Final Report.  The Presbytery also committed to implement T-CARE’s strategic recommendations. Read the T-CARE Reports and Follow the journey on the T-CARE page.


With broken hearts we recognize the ongoing, horrific acts of violence, mass murder, discrimination, intimidation, and oppression towards Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). We also recognize that these acts are outward signs of a pervasive systemic racism that has been part of our cultures since the beginnings of this country. We are a diverse Presbytery and we acknowledge that all of us have personally and collectively suffered greatly under our racist systems and from racist behaviors.

For more information click here.


Join us to explore and discuss critical issues of life and faith as we attempt to continue our Matthew 25 work in the Presbytery. The series tells us about a wealthy town in Texas where issues of structural racism, diversity, local politics, and educational reform converged to foreshadow the national struggles that are being fought today, and how these are present in our context and affect our hopes for faith-based liberation.

For more information click here.

West Bay Antiracism Group Meeting

Presbyterians from churches in San Francisco and the Peninsula met to hear Lindbergh Porter, attorney, activist, and member of Ingleside Presbyterian Church in San Francisco speak on “What Has Been Will Be Again: The Tower of Babel”, Remembering the January 6th insurrection – The threat to our American democracy and why it matters for racial justice.

View the recording HERE.


Help identify the ways doing anti-racism work can impact our whole selves and our understanding of complicity, shame/guilt, and belovedness. Explore and be curious together about our continuous need for self-awareness and spiritual renewal in order to build resilience. Rev. Ruth T. West, shares various practices and deeper knowledge around the spiritual work required of Dismantling Systemic Racism in our own Resiliency-Building toolkit.

View the wrokshop recording and be insired.

Change the Narrative Campaigns

Our Book Study, “What Lies Between Us: Fostering First Steps Towards Racial Healing”, has not only been eye opening, but also transformative on how we can participate in changing our inner world to reflect our outer hopes. We have been able to reflect, discern and find ways to continue working towards racial healing needed for us to re-member the Kingdom of God.

During our last few sessions, we worked in groups to share our learning and create a project to reflect our 5 months together. The project called “Change the Narrative Campaign” asked us to look at the relationship between media representation, stereotypes, and the implicit bias. The group was to create a campaign to disrupt, change, or reverse narratives that create bias or have been harmful through its strong influence towards shaping local communities. We were to consider the following:

  • The Target audience for your campaign
  • Your Goal
  • The message that will help you meet your goal
  • The strategies you will use

We would like to share with you the Team Projects. We invite you to use these new narratives to help move your congregations and communities towards racial healing and our collective work in Dismantling Structural Racism.

Asian-Black Solidarity

West Region Antiracism Group

Letter Addressing Violence Towards our Asian Community

Feb 22, 2021

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Attacks against Asians are on the rise in the United States. Just this year in the Bay Area:

  • a 64-year-old woman was assaulted and robbed after she went to the ATM to get money to celebrate Lunar New Year
  • A 91-year-old man was shoved and hospitalized in Oakland’s Chinatown
  • A 52-year-old woman was shot in the head with a flare gun in Chinatown
  • In San Francisco, an 84-year-old man was smashed to the ground by a young man and died two days later in the hospital.
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Stop Hate AAPI center and website which was created by three agencies, one of which is the Asian American Studies Department of the San Francisco State University, states on their website that the center tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California and where possible throughout the United States. From March to December 2020, there were over 2800 self-reported incidents. Almost half were from California and of those, over 700 were from the Bay Area.

Here are some of their stories:

I was waiting to enter a pharmacy to get my prescription when a group of construction workers (not social distancing) made fun of me by mocking me, fake coughing, spitting at me and making slant eyes gestures until I asked them to stop. No one else called these people out. (Oakland, CA)

I was standing in an aisle at a hardware store when suddenly I was struck from behind. Video surveillance verified the incident in which a white male used his bent elbow to strike my upper back. Subsequent verbal attacks occurred with “Shut up, you Monkey!, “Screw you Chinaman,” “Go back to China” and “Stop bringing that Chinese virus over here.” (San Francisco, CA)

On my daily walk in my hometown Sausalito, I was wearing a face mask when a white woman yelled at me, “I hate Chinese people! Why do they come to this country?!” when she passed me. I was stunned by her words which caused me to fear and be more alert of my surroundings.

We were outraged when Hispanic children were separated from their families at the border. We were horrified by the events that lead to the Black Lives Matter movement. And now we are terrified and angry of all the attacks against the Asian community.

We continue to fall short of God intentions for all of us. Our hearts are broken and we feel much grief at what our local communities and this country has become. We stand with all our Asian brothers and sisters during this tumultuous time.

May God continue to hold us in God’s care and guide us as individual, as the church and as the presbytery to be agents of peace and justice in our communities.

With Love and Care,

Your Presbytery Leadership Team:
Rev. InHo Kim, Partner for Congregational Vitality and Clergy Support
Jennifer Sacramento-Streett, Partner for Operations and Communications
Rochelle R. Shaw, Stated Clerk
Rev. Leonard Nielson, Partner for Finance and Property Assets

Addressing the Capitol Insurrection & Invitation for Transformative Work

January 12, 2021

Dear Siblings and Friends of the Presbytery of San Francisco.

We write to you, having seen the abhorrent actions of Racism unfold at the seat of our government. This is a legacy of White Supremacy led by a number of leaders of our country. This is power through force that continues to yield unabated, allowing for the killing and pillaging of the rights and lives of all others.

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How is it possible to look at how the DC police reacted to White insurrectionists and say that these protests are like the Black Lives Matter protests done in peace? How can it be that doors were willingly opened to the Capitol building, in order to chase a Black officer of the law with intentions to do harm? Why is it that when white people form a mob and carry zip ties, Molotov cocktails and a lynching rope—its defined as a right or merely just props to make a point? Finally, how is it that it took SIX calls to get the National Guard to come only to provide quiet escort for these folks to “please leave the building”. Though these actions are proclaimed to be based on the principles Freedom— in actuality, it is an assault on the principles of democracy and of LOVE!

We sit here in quiet shock, with pain in our hearts and so much anger–this is centuries of racism that continues to yield its ugly soul and head. We will not take it anymore! We expect those who are complicit to be held accountable! We at the Presbytery of San Francisco made the commitment to address White Supremacy and Dismantling Structural Racism and we invite you to continue the journey with us in 2021. May God continue to bless us as we embark on this transformational process to become the people that God calls us to be.

With Love and Care,

~Your Presbytery Leadership Team
Jennifer Sacramento-Streett, Partner for Operations and Presbytery Wide Communications
Rochelle R. Shaw, Stated Clerk
Rev. InHo Kim, Partner for Congregational Vitality and Clergy Support
Rev. Leonard Nielson, Partner for Finance and Property Assets

Presbytery of San Francisco 2021 Events to Engage in Matthew 25 –
Dismantling Structural Racism and White Supremacy

1. Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training — for the next 18-months, Crossroads will help us deeply self-reflect and discern our way forward in dismantling structural racism within our own presbytery and beyond.

Visit our Crossroads’ webpage for more information and to register — Our first engagement will begin on Weds, January 20th from 3-5pm, and will run every other Weds for 6 sessions.

2. “What Lies Between US, fostering first Steps Toward Racial Healing,” by Dr Lucretia Carter Berry – led by Rev. Kamal Hassan. We hope that the deep internal work and honest public conversations could inspire what is needed at this time in our process as a Matthew 25 Presbytery.

Visit our Book Study webpage for more information and to register — The Book Study will begin on Wednesday, Feb 10th from 4-5:30 pm, and will run every other Wednesday for 10 sessions.

West Bay Region Antiracism Meeting

West Bay Presbyterians from 13 different churches and organizations in the Region gathered by Zoom on November 16, 2020 to share what they and their congregations are doing to end racial injustice and inequity, as well as brainstorm ideas of what they can do individually and collectively as Presbyterians on antiracism, i.e. actively working to end structural racism. The meeting was organized by Jeanne Choy Tate (Member, Noe Valley Ministry), Mary Jane Gordon (Presbytery Co-Moderator and Commissioned Ruling Elder, Ingleside Presbyterian Church), Ginger Smyly (Chair, Tri-Presbytery Self Development of People Committee) and Lori Yamauchi (Ruling Elder, Old First Presbyterian Church). Read More »

Post Election Gathering: The Struggle Continues

Post Election Gathering

A Conversation with Dr. Kenneth Hardy:
How to be an Ally

When: Saturday, October 24, 2020

We are grateful to Dr. Hardy and to all that attended the event. For those unable to join in (or who would like to revisit the event) please view our Youtube video of the event:

The Dr. Hardy Gathering Recording

We are called to engage in anti-racist practices that Dismantle Structural Racism and White Supremacy. The Presbytery of San Francisco is choosing to work together in the days, months, and years ahead to fully engage in this struggle—for healing, justice, and racial equity. We have invited Dr. Kenneth Hardy to share with us some first steps towards transformational healing.

Presbytery Day 2020:
The Road From Reflecting, Through Confessing, to Repairing

When: Saturday, September 26th

We are grateful to all who made for another successful Presbytery Day. For those unable to join in (or would like to revisit the event) see:

The Presbytery Day Powerpoint

The Presbytery Day Recording

Denise Anderson is our keynote speaker this year. She was Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and now works as the PC(USA) coordinator for racial and intercultural justice, working in connection with the agency’s Compassion, Peace & Justice and Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries. She also staffed the Special Commission on Racism Truth and Reconciliation. This experience with church-wide examination of racism and the call to reparations is what she will bring to our Presbytery Day as we seek to answer these questions together:

  • “How can we move from talking to walking?”
  • “What will it take for us to trust one another?”
  • “How can we truly journey together?”

This is our 2020 special speaker meeting. All presbyters are encouraged to attend, and all members of Presbytery congregations are warmly invited as well. This is an important conversation as we seek to live out our Matthew 25 commitments.

Presbytery Day Schedule


On Saturday, August 29, Presbytery of San Francisco hosted a Car-a-Van. Up to 70 cars –with plenty of passengers–joined in the Car-A-Van.  We took off from two locations, one from San Mateo in the West Bay and another from El Cerrito in the East Bay.  We had several people join via ZOOM to participate in the prayer and send off by Rev. Kamal Hassan, before driving through the streets in support of Black Lives. The Presbytery of San Francisco joined with other Presbyterians from presbyteries across the US to promote and to commit to dismantling racism in all its forms and to be in solidarity with Black Lives in our communities and across the country.

THANK YOU for being a part of this Black Lives Matter Event! 
We will continue in our quest of Dismantling Structural Racism and
we pray that you continue this journey with us– working towards love, healing and justice!

Week of Action – Town Hall Gathering on Tuesday, August 25th

The Town Hall Gathering was an opportunity to engage with theologians, community activists, pastors and practitioners on the intersectional work of anti-racism, how the PC(USA) in all its expressions grapples with the legacy of white supremacy and racism in our history and theology, finds ways to do prophetic and renewing work in current moments for racial justice, and how we can listen to and come alongside community and national leaders to show up together for racial justice.

This event was facilitated by the Rev. Denise Anderson, former co-moderator of the 222nd General Assembly of the PC(USA), coordinator of Racial and Intercultural Justice; Samantha Davis, founder and executive director of Black Swan Academy; the Rev. Kamal Hassan, pastor of Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Calif.; Chanelle Helm, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Louisville; the Rev. Dr. Carolyn Helsel, associate professor of homiletics at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary; and Dr. William Yoo, associate professor of American Religious and Cultural History at Columbia Theological Seminary.

Presbyterian Justice Week of ActionOn August 24-30th there will be a Presbyterian Justice Week of Action. This endeavor is structured to provide a public witness that facilitates education, visibility, and action that reinforces our PC(USA) statements and policy around the support of eradicating racism and acknowledging that God loves all Black lives. By joining together as national staff and the greater church, we hope to provide faithful leadership in the area of justice, love, and equality within our denomination and communities. Presbytery of San Francisco is participating in this event: Link to Event | Schedule of Events

Invitation to Dismantle Structural Racism

We are called to lead – to create space for God’s purpose to manifest. What do we do now? How do we learn, connect and engage the work required to dismantle structural racism. You are invited into action in the following ways:

We Can’t Breathe Virtual Vigil

We Can't Breathe Virtual Vigil

On June 21st (Freedom) Sunday, we joined together for the We Can’t Breathe Virtual Vigil, led by Rev. Kamal Hassan

We are grateful to have gathered in this sacred time to share in Lamentation, Learning and Leading. We encourage you to share and reflect on this work towards Racial Justice and Equity, and to use the resources that we will continue to have available for the work.

We Can’t Breathe Virtual Vigil Information:

Presbytery Letter: In Solidarity with Black Lives

“. . . if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” – John 20:23

Beyond the Covid19 pandemic, as we watch what is unfolding before us in cities across the United States, we know that the sin of racism is alive and continues to be “retained” in our society. In the past week, we all have been witnesses, again of a Black man dying at the hands of those who are supposed to protect and serve, but misuse this as power instead. In the past few months, we have witnessed more Black lives taken from us at the hands of others in power. The ones we know about include George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. And there are more that we don’t know about because they were not recorded by those who witnessed it. Every day Black Americans face spiritual, psychological and physical deaths at the hands of those in power. Racism is alive and it even exists here in the Bay Area, known as one of the most liberal places in America.

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In our Presbytery, we have 68 churches and 10 New Worshipping Communities. A third of our congregations and missional communities are racial ethnic communities of which 8 are African American.

As the staff of the Presbytery of San Francisco, we stand in solidarity with all of our African American brothers and sisters. We promise to do our part to combat racism in all forms because we know that the sin of racism kills the souls of our brothers and sisters and prohibits the full flourishing of the life that God has created and given us. We strive to help co-create with you a world that is more just and loving and devoid of the sin of structural racism.

We invite you To Break Our Hearts Open; hear some of the Black voices of our Presbytery:

  • Michael Kim-Eubanks, ministry co-leader from Bethel PC in San Leandro, who has expressed his voice through words and the creation of this song – Video and Lyrics to “Just a Few”
  • Rev. Dr. Charles Tinsley, Honorably Retired, who shares his words of wisdom from his lived-experiences by letting us know “What Should We Be Doing”, and
  • Rev. Kamal Hassan from Sojourner Truth PC who preached about the Love Languages and how the Holy Spirit comforts us as we lament; how the Holy Spirit advocates for us through affirmative justice; and how the Holy Spirit uses wind and fire to help us in our righteous struggle.

We will be sharing a few links with you that will capture more of these Black voices from our Presbytery and denomination. One of the voices is from J. Herbert Nelson, the Stated Clerk of the PCUSA. And there will be other voices shared on our website including the prophetic voice of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (See links below)

We invite you, members of the Presbytery of San Francisco, to add your voices, too. What are you lamenting about, what you are advocating for and what do you propose as a way to express our righteous struggle? We want to hear from you and what you’re feeling.

May God continue to provide wisdom and guidance during this time while we continue to pray without ceasing for you, our presbytery and our world.

With Love and Care,
Your Transitional Presbytery Staff
Rochelle R. Shaw, Stated Clerk
Rev. InHo Kim, Partner for Congregational Vitality and Clergy Support
Rev. Leonard Nielson, Partner for Finance and Property Assets
Jennifer Sacramento-Streett, Partner for Operations and Presbytery Wide Communications


Response from Mary Jane Gordon, Co-Moderator, Presbytery of San Francisco

My initial reaction to the George Floyd killing was one of dismay. I couldn’t believe that a man’s life was snuffed out by an unmerciful policeman in spite of the man’s cries for help. Then my mind flashed back to the mid-sixties when police dogs and firehoses were unleashed on peaceful protesters and I thought this can’t still be happening over fifty years later.

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Then, I became outraged and angry. As the protests began, with throngs of people, multigender, multiracial, and of various ages, I began to feel more hopeful that perhaps America would finally get a clue and see how racism affects not only Black and Brown people, but everyone.

As I watched the news, I was struck by the sharp contrast of our state and local leaders who displayed compassion for the plight of marginalized people with that of our president who set “his military” on peaceful protester with teargas and rubber bullets to clear them away so that he could have a photo opt. Where is the justice in this land?

We as followers of Christ must stand up for justice. As Jesus said “when you do to the least of these, you do unto me”. I am encouraged by the swell of support for justice reform, not only in America but around the world. It feels like the Holy Spirit is sweeping through the hearts of some people. My sisters and brothers in Christ, we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT allow this moment in history to go without action. We as Christians must step to the forefront and demand Positive and Radical change. Let us as the church of Jesus Christ standup for justice. Contact your local and federal officials and demand legislation to correct the centuries of police brutality and outright lawlessness under the cover of civil protection. Every citizen deserves equal protection and not selective abuse. I have an eleven-year old great-grandson and I’m praying that he nor any other Black or Brown children will not fall victim to police brutality because of the color of their skin.

Once again, I ask, “where is the justice in this land?”

Mary Jane Gordon, Co-Moderator
Presbytery of San Francisco

What’s Going On? by Rochelle R. Shaw, Stated Clerk, Presbytery of San Francisco

I want to share my feelings about what’s going on.

I posted this on my Facebook page when I awoke the day after George Floyd’s murder was revealed: “Lord have mercy! Please! Please watch over and PROTECT ALL our African American sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews and family members. (To my sons) Eric and Daniel Shaw we taught you all your life what you must do to survive. Watch over and teach your sons how to protect themselves. This behavior is so wrong and frightening.”

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Then I read a post from a friend I grew up with in Watts, CA where she reminded me that we went through this before in 1965 — 55 years ago! I lived through the Watts riot — the protests, the rioting, the looting, the curfew and the national guard’s presence, when an unarmed Black man was killed as he raced down the streets to take his pregnant wife to the hospital. I recall the anger, frustration, helplessness and especially the fear. I recall hearing my grandmother, mother and aunts praying and saying that we needed to protect ourselves. Then I heard their pleas that I still hear today, “Somebody needs to do something!”

I AM SOMEBODY. YOU ARE SOMEBODY. Some bodies are speaking up. Some bodies have refused to be just angry and afraid and worried about when this will all end. Some bodies are responding with action, peacefully. And some bodies are responding with destruction because they don’t know what else they can do to be in control of their own lives as Americans, who just happen to be Black.

I am Black. I am an American. And I am a Christian. As a Christian and believer in the radical ministry of Jesus Christ and the movement and advocacy of the Holy Spirit, I believe that when we combine our voices in action, something will be done. Something can be done Now. As a collective of Americans and Christians, we can direct our action toward today and tomorrow to make changes locally, statewide and in our country.

And yet, I am a mother, a wife and a grandmother who is still afraid and worried for her husband, her sons and daughter, and her grandsons and granddaughters. My immediate action is to continue to pray for them and warn them of how to be safe. Because they are still Blacks living in America.

Lord have mercy! Help me deal with What’s Going On!

Rochelle R. Shaw, Stated Clerk
Presbytery of San Francisco

Sobre George Floyd: Letter from PSF Latino Brothers and Sisters.

As leaders of churches, congregations and new communities of worship (NWC’s), of the Presbytery of San Francisco, we stand in solidarity with you, our African American brothers and sisters from this presbytery and beyond. We join together with you as allies in your pain, sadness, mourning, despair and anger in this time of chaos and injustice. At the same time we condemn the brutal and disgusting murder of George Floyd (05/25/2020) and so many other people of African descent, at the hands of police officers in the service of an unjust, and clearly racist, criminal justice system.

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We strongly believe that as God’s people, we have a prophetic call to announce good news and hope to our communities. We also believe that the other equally essential part of our call is to denounce with faith, courage, and conviction all kinds of injustice and any human action that threatens the lives of our fellow human beings: actions that Scripture identifies as Sin.

We believe that it is impossible to remain silent in this time of crisis being experienced by this nation in which we all live. The inequity and loss of life caused by systemic racism has reached such a height that it is no longer possible to continue denying its reality at the foundation of our society. As people of faith, we pledge our unconditional support to our African American brothers and sisters. We will also stand with you to denounce and dismantle systematic racism in our political, social, and religious institutions.

Scripture invites us to consciously reflect on the posture of the Lord who is on the side of those most in need.

“This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.” Jeremiah 22:3 (NIV)

“Let [the king to whom you give your justice, O God] do justice to the afflicted of the people, save the children of the poor, and crush the oppressor.” Psalms 72: 4 (NIV)

Brothers and sisters, in prayer, supplication and hope, we will continue fighting alongside you so that God’s justice may prevail in the transformation of the unjust human systems of this world.

Black & Latino Lives Matter!

Rev. Pablo Morataya
Pastor, Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Oakland

CLP-Claudia Reyes
Pastor, Iglesia Presbiteriana de la Misión-SFO

José Bolaños
Chair, Men’s Organization CAUCUS Hispanic/Latino North 0f California

CLP-Ricardo Vázquez
Pastor, Mensajeros de Dios-San Leandro

CLP-Rosa López M
Chair, CAUCUS Hispanic/Latino North of California

CLP-Angy Ortiz Morra
Chair, Women’s Group Latinos Unidos San Mateo, Women’s Organization CAUCUS Hispanic/Latino North of California

Rev. Dr. George Abdala
Pastor, LUEC & IPB San Mateo, CA

CLP-Mario Martínez
Pastor, Hispanic Ministry Transfiguración, El Cerrito CA

CLP-Anita Espinoza MDiv
Latinos Unidos San Mateo

In This Moment By Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon

I am a retired African American Presbyterian Pastor. In this time of pain and sadness over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN, and the state of our nation at this moment. The tears will not stop. The pain will not go away because it is a constant reminder of the many years I have been praying, striving and longing for justice for my people. My hearts aches. It is difficult to realize, having grown up in VA during the years of the Civil Rights Movement, that this moment feels like more of the same. I am angry! I am upset! I am sad! I am furious! I am disgusted! I feel helpless! My soul cries out in the words of the Psalmist: “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? . . .”How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?” (Psalm 13)

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This situation has been painfully emotional for me and especially as my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are having to live through this experience of racism that I have tried to explain to them and prepare them for. It is hard to explain to them why I am crying. It is even harder to understand why I am still having to explain generations of injustice on my people. It is hard to explain that, in my ministry in the PC(USA), I often felt the pain of injustice. Yes, in the church that I love so much!

There are days when I cannot sleep and the mornings wake me praying for a better day ahead. When I think about what life must have been like for my parents, I wonder how they were able to teach me to be a respectable human being in the midst of all the prejudice against black people. It is more difficult to imagine what it must have been like for my grandparents, both slaves of the Kemper family. I often wonder how they explained things to my father so that he lived to be a kind and respectable human being, despite his plight in this life cycle.

In this moment, I cannot find words to express my grief over a pandemic that has proven devastating to so many of my people and the lack of concern for their lives and their well being. I am sad that my sister-in-law and several friends have died in this pandemic. At the same time, I am grateful that I survived it. Obviously, God has something more for me to do! I pray that, after almost 29 years in ministry, I can continue to fight and demand justice for my people. It is only because the COVID 19 virus sapped my energy that I am not on the streets protesting.

This is a moment to pause and give thanks, even in the midst of the pain. Even when video footage captured the murder of George Floyd and there were no immediate arrests. Even though “evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor, God is our refuge.” (Psalm 43) I will sing and give praise to the Lord, for despite the catalog of misfortune that has been inflicted on my people, we know that we are God’s children, made in God’s image, black and beautiful!

I pray for our world, our country, our church and all people everywhere that this time will be one for healing, regretting, rethinking, remaking our world so that it can be a better place for all of us to live in peace and harmony.

Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon
Honorably Retired
Minister of Word and Sacrament

Rev. John Adams, from Elmhurst PC in Oakland – We Stand In Victory Together
Michael Kim-Eubanks of Bethel Presbyterian – “Just a Few”

Our Priorities

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

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Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

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Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

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New Worshipping Communities

New Worshipping Communities

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