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Covid 19 has brought food insecurity and hunger to thousands of Americans that live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

More than a dozen local Presbyterian Churches are helping with food banks and pantries; and our Presbytery, through the Partnership Working Group, has worked to help by providing these local congregations with $500. grants.

If your congregation has recently received a $500. grant from the Partnership Working Group and would like additional assistance, we ask that you apply, AGAIN and your request will be considered after new church requests are filled.

If your congregation has NEVER applied for a $500. grant to go toward your food bank or pantry, we ask that you apply IMMEDIATELY, YOU HAVE UNTIL JUNE 24th. Because you are a first time applicant you’ll be fast tracked to the head of the line.

Application instructions: send the following information to

All applicants must submit information by June 24, 2020

  • Church name and address
  • Name and phone number of contact person at church coordinating this grant request
  • Brief description of program and who is served and how often(3-4 sentences)
  • If grant is to be forwarded, by requesting church, to a partner organization, provide name of organization and brief description of historical relationship with that organization if any (2-3 sentences)
  • What to put on memo line of the $500 check so your church Treasurer knows purpose of gift

Grants will be awarded up until funds are depleted. Be safe, the Partnership Working Group