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Ministry Conference at Grace Cathedral in January

There is an important gathering happening at Grace Cathedral in January! 

The conference—”Ministry for the Common Good”— will focus on a variety of topics such as the relationship between race and theology in America, the messy history of Christian missions, and—–in spite of our troubled past—–the church’s ongoing call to build a better future. Along the way, we will be asking big questions like: What does Christian service for the common good look like? How can Christians love the world as God loved the world? What do we need to know and do in order to seek peace in our contexts? It will feature addresses by Yale Divinity School professor Willie James Jennings, Canon Stephanie Spellers and others.  The gathering is for anyone engaged in Christian ministry, including lay leaders, as well as those who are looking for new ways to serve in their church and other ministry contexts.

Our team at Newbigin House of Studies is thrilled to be have the Episcopal Diocese of California co-sponsor this ecumenical gathering with us and in partnership with Grace Cathedral.

·  When: Wednesday, January 15 to Thursday, January 16

·  Where: Grace Cathedral, 1100 California St., San Francisco

·  Cost: $95

·  More information? Visit

·  Registration: