Post-Colonial Biblical Hermeneutics
Reverend Kamal Hassan
Kamal has 31 year of ministry experience in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church USA. He is the pastor of Sojourner Truth PC. Kamal is a community organizer and Christian educator whose message is rooted in the Black Prophetic Tradition.
When: Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 14 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Saturday, January 15 – 9:00 to 11:30 am; 1:00 to 3:30 pm
Where: Zoom Class – Register on the links below:
- Thursday ZOOM Register
- Friday ZOOM Register
- Saturday ZOOM register
Cost:$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates
$40 to audit and open to all
Class Description: This is a course in the practice of interpreting the Biblical text in ways that challenge the normative effects of white supremacy on how the Bible has been read, understood, and used. We will explore the ways the Bible has been used in the service of colonial empire builders and the work of the victims of empire in Black contexts to reinterpret, reject, and recover scriptural sacred texts in the practice of freedom.
Pre-Class Readings:
Smith, Mitzi and Kim, Yung Suk, Toward Decentering the New Testament, A Reintroduction, Cascade
Books, 2018
Truth, Sojourner, “Narrative of Sojourner Truth a Northern Slave,”
Questions, please contact CRE/CLP Coordinator , 510-828-5596
For a full course description, please download the following PDF.